Thursday, January 3, 2019


The US Postal service has announced new rates for both Market Dominant and Competitive products that will take effect on January 27, 2019.  While the overall average increase is 2.5%, this percentage varies widely by class of type of sortation used to prepare the mail.
For example, retail rates for Market Dominant First-Class mail:
                First-Class stamp currently $.50 will be $.55, a 7.5% increase
                Additional ounces decrease from $.21 to $.15, a reduction of 28.5%
                Metered letter increases from $.47 to $.50, or 6.4%

First-Class Mail Rates
While Single-Piece Letters and Postcards increase by 7.5%, Presort rates for these pieces increases by only 1.0%.  
On the other hand, Flat-sized First Class mail decreases by 11%.
Priority Mail rates will increase for most packages by an average of 6.2% and Priority Mail Express will increase by an average of 3.9%. Priority Mail Commercial will only increase by an average of 3.2%.
In an effort to standardize its package services, the USPS plans to price First Class Packages based on weight and zone. First Class Packages were previously priced based on weight alone. This means First Class Package services will be more comparable to other USPS shipping products such as Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express.
In 2018, a 12 oz. First Class Commercial Parcel was $3.82, regardless of where it was being sent. In 2019, that same 12 oz. package could be $3.82 to $4.33, depending on the zone where it’s being sent.

Marketing Mail Rates
The average impact for Letter and Flats mailers is about the same, 2.4% and 2.6% respectively.   Parcels increase an average of 2.7%.  
Mailers of High-density/Saturation letters realize a larger increase of 3.8%, while HD/Saturation flats mailers see a similar increase of 3.6%.  
Standard Carrier Route rates increase .7%, while EDDM Every Door Direct Mail retail rates increase 5%. 

The overall average increase is 2.5% for Periodical mailers; 2.5% for outside-county rates, while Inside-country rates increase an average of 2.0%.

Package Services
Package Services increase by an average of 2.5%; BPM Flats increase 2.5%, BPM Parcels increase 2.2% and Media and Library Mail increase almost 3%. 

Please give us a call at 440-946-0606 for more information.

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