Wednesday, November 27, 2019

There Is No “I” in “Personal”

You’ve heard the phrase, “There is no ‘I’ in team.” So it is with print and digital personalization. By itself, data is just that—data. To be truly personal, it takes a collective effort to capture the customer’s attention and create relevant communications that move the needle. Let’s look at some of the most common marketing elements that marketers combine with personalization to maximize response rates.
1. Audience selection. 
Great results start with having a highly targeted audience that is more likely than average to respond to your offer. A home improvement contractor might target new movers. A boutique salon might target female residents within a specific ZIP Code. Layering on personalized information, such as name and offers based on household income, are a bonus.
2. Stand-out design.
Personalized messaging is powerful, but only if people read it. You have to draw recipients’ attention in the first place. To do this, marketers often use unusual design elements, such as oversized postcards, clear envelopes, or lumpy mail, to capture recipients’ attention long enough for the personalized message to get seen.
3. Remind them. With even the best offer, people need to be reminded to respond now and then. You can improve response rates by sending follow-up postcards or emails (or both). Remove recipients’ names from the follow-up list once they respond. Something as simple as a reminder card or email can boost response rates significantly.
4. Mix up your channels. Effective campaigns use multiple channels to reinforce the message. Pair postcards with email and social media mentions, then use great in-store signage as the coup de gras.
5. High-value incentive. This technique is common in lead generation or information gathering campaigns. To motivate recipients to respond to an initial call to action, you might offer a gift or monetary incentive, such as a restaurant gift card or entry into a sweepstakes.
Personalization is a powerful tool, but it’s not a magic wand. Like all marketing elements, it works best when it is part of a collective effort. 

Please give us a call at 440-946-0606
Or visit our website here for more information.

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Does Your Brand Have Multiple Personalities?

How many personalities does your brand have? If you are doing it right, there should only be one. You should have different messaging for different audiences and marketing goals, but your overall brand message should be consistent.
How do you do that? Whether your marketing is print or digital, here are four elements that, according to John Jantsch, marketing consultant and author of Duct Tape Marketing, Duct Tape Selling, The Commitment Engine and The Referral Engine, are critical to your efforts:
Business name: Your business name should be simple, easy to remember, and easy to pronounce. It should be repeated frequently. If possible, include keywords that make it easy for people to find you on search engines.
Logo: Your logo should be professionally designed and work across multiple media and physical configurations. Strive for something that is simple and yet communicates a story. When the charity organization Lifewater International decided to redesign its logo, for example, it tapped into the concept of a water drop with three segments, each representing an area of its mission: life, health, and hope.
Colors and typography: For the greatest brand impression, use a limited and consistent palette of colors and fonts that are instantly recognizable. Who can’t pick out Tide in the detergent aisle from 100 feet away? Remember, when it comes to brand color, close isn’t good enough. Tide orange is different from Home Depot orange. Brand colors are carefully protected for a reason. 
Tone and keywords: In your written communications, what is your company’s tone? Is it edgy? Playful and fun? Serious and professional? No one would mistake the irreverent humor of Duluth Trading Company for the corporate-speak of Fidelity Investments. Your communications should have personality and tone, too. Find that tone and maintain it across all communications, regardless of channel.
Creating and maintaining a robust and professional image takes work, but it will pay off in the end. How can our experts help you create the consistent, compelling brand image you deserve? 

Please give us a call at 440-946-0606
Or visit our website here for more information.

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3 Tips for Keeping that Project on Time

How the marketing world has changed! Whether you are being asked to produce projects in print, email, mobile, or for your website, schedules are compressed. There are more channels to integrate. Everything is more urgent. How do you keep everything running on time and on a budget? Here is a quick guide from Workfront, a project management platform, for simplifying the project management process. These steps apply whether you use third-party project management software or not. 

1. Improve the intake process. Most marketing departments have requests coming in from multiple directions. How do you keep track of how much work is coming in, what the expectations are, and what the priorities should be? 
  • Create a single funnel for all work requests. Whether it’s one person, a dedicated email address, or a software program, create a single point of contact. No more sticky notes, text message requests, or “desk flybys.” 
  • Develop a template that gathers the details of each project. What is the scope? What is the timeframe? Collecting all (and we mean all!) of the information upfront in a systematic, standardized way allows you to prioritize and manage projects effectively. 
  • Set up a response protocol. How many times do people submit a second request because they think the first one fell into a deep, dark hole? Respond to each request within a set time frame. 

Step 2: Set up a standardized workflow. Have weekly kickoff meetings with all of the stakeholders. Get agreement on timelines and details. You don’t want anyone coming back later and saying, “I didn’t agree to that.” Or, “That’s not what we discussed.” Ensure that everyone is in alignment with the scopes upfront (no scope creep!). 

Also answer questions such as: 
  • Who will be spearheading each project? Someone must be ultimately accountable for moving the project along. 
  • What is the schedule for updates? With regular, detailed updates, things stay on task, and people are held accountable. 
  • Are any of these projects repeatable? Whether it’s direct mail, a landing page, or an email blast, setting up templates for a similar and ongoing project can save you tons of time. 

Step 3: Streamline approvals with digital proofing. Establish a clear understanding of who needs to review and approve work. When does that work need to be approved? When possible, collaborate in a digital tool that gives everyone visibility into the process. 

It doesn’t take specialized tools to improve the project management workflow. It requires stakeholders working through a centralized point of contact, in a centralized environment, so everyone stays in the loop. Set up protocols, communicate expectations, and stay consistent. Then watch things move along more smoothly. 

Please give us a call at 440-946-0606
Or visit our website here for more information.

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