If you think that using data — by itself — makes a mailing feel personal, think again. How many times have you received a direct mail piece or email that used your name or “personalized” images, but was irrelevant to you? Probably more often than you’d like to admit.
you are a golf fanatic, and you receive a sporting goods catalog personalized
with your name on the front cover, plastered with an image of the latest
softball gear? Or you receive an incentive to bring your car in for a tune-up
six months after your car was due?
As a marketer, you don’t
want to make the same mistake. That starts with understanding that, by itself, data
doesn’t make a mailing relevant or compelling. Data is just that — data. It is merely
a piece of information that can be used well or used poorly. (Or it can be
downright wrong.) This is why personalization and relevance are different.
Personalization is simply using
data to create unique pieces for every individual in a database, whether those
pieces are relevant to those recipients or not. Relevance is the attribute that
makes the recipient feel that the communication is meaningful to them and is
worth being picked up, opened, and read.
A mailing doesn’t even have
to be personalized to be relevant. For example, when you send a mailing to all
inactive customers with, “Please come back! We miss you!” along with a 25%
discount, that’s creating relevance even if everyone in that mailing receives
the same piece. Likewise, if you market different insurance plans to households
with children than you do retirees, you are increasing the chances that the
recipient will see the communication as relevant even if you don’t do any
personalization at all.
So before personalizing any
mailing, ask yourself, “Why am I choosing the variables I am? How am I going to
use them effectively? Do I need to add any other variables to improve my
targeting efforts?” You don’t want to run the risk of sending a personalized
mailing without it actually being personal.
Need help making sure your
data results in mailings that are truly personal? Just ask — we’d love to help.
Please give us a call at 440-946-0606 for more information.
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