you are writing copy for direct mail, email, social media, or mobile video, it
is important to be authentic. People buy from people, so create marketing copy that
is believable and that makes people want to buy from you. But like everything
else, being authentic still takes planning. Here are five tips for keeping it
1. Be human. Don’t sound like a corporate brochure. Instead
of saying, “We’re going to leverage our core competency to shift
the paradigm,” say, “As experts in this area, we’re going to do something new
and exciting.” Use
common language. Speak in a way that your audience can relate to.
2. Be passionate. Passion is contagious. When someone argues deeply
and passionately about an environmental cause, a weekend hobby, or an
outstanding vacation destination, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement.
Even if your product is as dry as Melba toast, find something to get excited
about, then write from that source of passion.
3. Be vulnerable. Studies consistently show
that consumers are more likely to trust a company that admits its flaws and
failings but is honest about them and works hard to correct them than one who
claims that all paths lead to success. Vulnerability is real, and we relate to
it. Vulnerability builds trust.
4. Be honest. Don’t exaggerate the truth,
and don’t make promises you can’t keep. If consumers sense that you’re not
being honest about one or more elements of your marketing pitch, they will
question the truthfulness of all of it.
5. Have fun. Have some fun in your
marketing. Use humor, lighthearted pictures, and an element of surprise now and
then. We have enough things in our lives that are dull and boring. Don’t make
your product one of them.
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Please give us a call at 440-946-0606
Or visit our website here for more information.
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