personalized marketing has become nearly ubiquitous in today’s
hyper-competitive economy. But is it really necessary? Can’t you just mail more
generic offers at a lower cost and get the same results? Not anymore. Why? Because
long-term profits have become highly correlated with customer engagement and
loyalty, and personalization is key to driving both.
a recent study, “2019 Trends in Personalization Report” (Evergage/Researchscape), 98% of respondents indicated
that they felt personalization helps advance customer relationships, with 70%
saying it has a “strong” or “extremely strong” impact. In addition, 59% cite
increasing customer loyalty as a top benefit of personalizing their communications
and 85% indicate that their customers now expect personalized experiences.
no wonder that brands are increasingly focusing on personalization, whether in print
or digital communications. In fact, “2019 Trends in
found that when it comes to email, digital, and online personalization:
- 90%
of respondents report a measurable lift from their efforts.
- More
than half (58%) see lifts of more than 10%.
- Fifteen
percent report lifts of more than 30%.
print was not included in the survey, it’s hard to imagine that if marketers
are getting these results in other channels, they would not see similar results
in print.
is not just a worthy goal. It has become a critical strategy for engaging and
retaining customers and motivating customers and prospects.
increasing your investment in personalized communications on your “to do” list
for 2020?
Please give us a call at 440-946-0606
Or visit our website here for more information.
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