marketing does more than communicate a message about your products and
services. It communicates about your brand. The elements of your printed pieces
send a strong message whether you realize it or not. Here are five tips for
communicating the right brand messages:
1. Have a consistent brand
message across channels. From piece to piece and across channels (print,
email, in-store displays), make sure your brand is consistent. Use the same
color palettes, the same (or similar) imagery, and a tightly controlled logo.
Create a similar look and feel, even if the design isn’t identical. All
communications from your company should send an identifiable brand message.
2. Tell a story. Print is a great
storyteller. Say you are selling fried chicken and wings. Instead of promoting
“Wings 25% off this Friday only!” why not try something different? “It’s
kick-off time and what’s for dinner? Not pizza AGAIN! Spice it up with our hot
wings instead!”
3. Identify and target
thought leaders.
There are people out there talking about your brand. Find them and target them
with brand-building messages. This builds word of mouth, which (when positive)
is the most valuable marketing you can get. In the world of consumer marketing,
these people are often called “instigators.” Find out who they are and create
targeted messaging just for them.
4. Use testimonials. Whether it’s in print,
online, or social media, people believe testimonials over traditional
messaging. Begin collecting testimonials and add snippets to your postcards,
direct mail letters, in-store signage, and other print marketing materials.
5. Don’t skimp on quality. Sure, you could print out
those brochures on your in-house inkjet printer, but quality is part of your
brand message. Having professionally produced print materials is a sign of a trustworthy
business. Printing on the cheap sends the wrong message.
print document you send or display sends a brand message. Make sure you’re
sending the right ones.
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