Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Got Customers? Now Keep Them!

Congratulations! You’ve gotten new customers through the door. But wait—you’re not done. Now you need to retain them. One of the best ways to do this is through personalization. Here are five ideas for engaging customers with personalized communications that will really help you to stand out.
1. Send a surprise discount.
Everyone likes to be appreciated. Send a coupon with a discount on your customer’s next purchase “just because.” It will surprise them and foster goodwill.
2. Help them remember.
Many companies recognize their customers’ birthdays, but how many help them remember the birthdays of their loved ones? Offer to collect important dates for special occasions for your customers’ friends and family and send gift ideas with unique insight from your area of expertise.
3. Give them inside access.  
People like to be in the know. Encourage customers to sign up for your newsletter or connect with you on social media, where you can give them sneak peaks of new products or offer them ways to use your products they might not have thought about.
4. Say “thank you” for loyalty and longevity.
If you know when your customer first began working with you, why not send a personalized thank you card and gift commensurate with the value of their business?
5. Ask their opinion.
Use personalized URLs or online surveys to ask customers’ opinions about your company, your offerings, or bounce new product ideas off them. People like to do business with companies who care about what they think.
The more you can engage your customers beyond the sale, the more you earn their goodwill and loyalty. So think beyond the initial purchase. Think about building a relationship for life.

Please give us a call at 440-946-0606
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