When was the last time your print marketing strategy was freshened
up? When was the last time you looked at your creative approach, value
proposition, and media mix with fresh eyes? If it’s been a while, maybe now is
the time. Here are three areas to
1. Does each tactic prove its worth?
Technology is cool, but don't throw new things into the mix just
for the sake of doing it. Test, evaluate, and incorporate new components in
ways that create results.
Say you make your first contact with a customized postcard, direct
mail letter, or self-mailer that drives the reader to a personalized URL. Offer the option of connecting to the site by
either entering a web address or scanning a QR Code. Track your metrics to see which channel
recipients do and do not respond to.
No matter which response mechanisms you use, be sure to look at
more than top-line numbers. You might think that a response rate is “low” until
you discover that it gets the most responses from a segment of your target
audience that is particularly important to you.
2. Demographics are important — go further. It may be tempting to base your marketing
efforts on the most readily available information, such as gender, age, and
income. For the best results, however, take it a step further. Seek to
understand what your prospects care about.
Today’s consumer wants to be an individual, not a segment.
3. Track and measure your results. Which elements of the campaign
do you track? How do you determine a “response rate”? Is it a click or a scan?
Is it the completion of a form or a purchase? Connect your marketing goals with
clear metrics, so you know which of your marketing efforts are working and
which are not.
Marketing is about results, and consumers often respond to
different tools and tactics at different times. Track, test, and measure so you
can keep up.
Please give us a call at 440-946-0606
Or visit our website here for more information.
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Please give us a call at 440-946-0606
Or visit our website here for more information.
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